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Compagnie Algérienne D'assurance et de Garantie des Exportations (CAGEX) (CAGEX)

Key facts

  • Established in 1998
  • Ownership: Mixed
Not Part of the OECD Not part of the Berne Union

Latest update: 03/12/2021


  • Global Creditor Insurance
  • Credit Insurance - Individual Policy

Global Creditor Insurance

Intended for exporters of goods and services, with business contracts or repeat sales abroad with or without terms of credit. Coverage:

  • 80% of the amount of the outstanding commercial risk
  • 90% of the amount of the outstanding political risk

Before dealing with a foreign buyer, the insured makes a request for prior approval on the basis of a printout called "Export Approval Application".

Credit Insurance - Individual Policy

The individual policy covers one-off export transactions for goods and services, with or without a credit period. Coverage:

  • 80% of the amount of the outstanding commercial risk
  • 90% of the amount of the outstanding political risk

During the negotiation of the commercial contract, the company must file a guarantee request indicating, in addition to the country of destination, the details of the buyer concerned, the duration of the possible credit, the method of payment, and the amount of overdraft requested.

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